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Case Study

Mr. Bob Smith is now resting on his laurels thanks to Logo Design Pros' lucrative affiliate program.

Not long before, he owned one informative website that received an outstanding traffic due to the reliability, authenticity and variety of information it contained. The rapidly increasing traffic on his website made Mr. Smith think about optimizing this huge traffic for revving up his website's revenue potential.


Not long ago, he owned an informative website that received an outstanding traffic due to the reliability, authenticity and variety of information it contained. The rapidly increasing traffic on his website made Mr. Smith think about optimizing this huge traffic for revving up his website's revenue potential. He came to know about Google AdSense during his search for better advertising ways. He liked the whole new advertising concept in which Google utilizes its search technology to serve ads based on website content, the user's geographical location, and other factors.

But just when he was about to enroll in AdSense, he ran into a more profitable and direct advertising offer. The offer that made him change his mind was Logo Design Pros' affiliate program. Mr. Smith finally decided to go for it and recalls it as one of the best decisions of his life.

Logo Design Pros' affiliate program offered a huge 25% affiliate commission on all orders placed from the host site. It showed that the average order size being £300 entitled the affiliate for a big commission of £75. The offer also revealed that on average, an affiliate makes a minimum of 2 orders per day, earning an average monthly income of £4,200.00. Logo Design Pros' affiliate program also offered a 365-day cookie support that was hard to find in other renowned programs, AdSense for one.

I knew that the logo design industry was the fastest growing on-line industry providing specialized services for small business owners, and that the alliance with LogoDesignProfs would lead to a promising future. And that happened much sooner than I'd expected. With the advent of the Internet, small business owners now prefer on-line logo design companies for their affordability, availability, speed and reliability. I now recommend Logo Design Pros' affiliate program to all website owners.

After thorough research and study about Logo Design Pros' services, Mr. Smith came to know about the factors that made Logo Design Pros service of the first choice for its extensive clientele. The key factors that added to the list of its return-customers were the lowest prices, and the highest customer satisfaction.

Keeping these things in view, the farsighted Mr. Smith went for Logo Design Pros' affiliate program. The results were instant and amazing. The revenues boosted up by folds and he was able to start various new websites. For these new websites too, Mr. Smith chose Logo Design Pros' affiliate program and now he is enjoying a whopping commission of around £35,000 every month.


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