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New Year (2007) Special Bonus Offer For Our Affiliates:

At Logo Design Pros we believe that developing healthy partnerships with our affiliates is one key to our success. That is why we offer enticing commission structures on every sale made through our Affiliates' websites. These are sales that wouldn't have been possible without our affiliates' marketing efforts. There is a special New Year offer for our valued affiliates. With our 2007 New Year Special Offer, you can earn even more. With every sale that is more than £5000, you are entitled for a rewarding bonus.

To have an idea of the bonus structure, please take a look at the table below:


Sales per month Bonus on sales
£5000 and above
£10000 and above £250
£15000 and above £500
£20000 and above £1000
£25000 and above £1000 + commission rate up to to 30%

Note: This bonus is excluding basic 25% of sales commission.

To get entitled for these lucrative bonuses and commissions, click here to signup for Logo Design Pros Affiliate Program.

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Case Studies

Mr. Bob Smith is now resting
on his laurels thanks to Logo Design Pros' lucrative affiliate program.

Not long ago, he owned an informative website that received an outstanding traffic due to the reliability, authenticity and variety of information it contained. The rapidly increasing traffic on his website made Mr. Smith think about optimizing this huge traffic for revving up his website's revenue potential.

One profitable way to make the most of the increasing traffic and augment the revenues was to allow advertising on his website. But Mr. Smith was so much concerned about the annoyance that the irrelevant, cheap, and intrusive advertising Simply put, he didn't want his site's visitors to be repelled by this kind of advertising.

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